Pan fried Tilapia

I often eat salad for breakfast and I love it. It also makes it easier to get in my 7 a day portions of fruit and vegetables. This is a delicious filling breakfast bowl that will have everyone converted to salad eating to start their day the right way.

Strawberry Shortcake Sheet Cake

In England I only ever really baked round or square cakes or cupcakes but on arrival here in the USA, I quickly leaned that the sheet cake was the most popular form of cake. It is so versatile, I soon realised why. This strawberry shortcake sheet cake is a nod to the American sheet pan cake but maintaining a little of my english heritage with the strawberries and cream (think afternoon tea, scones with jam and cream or Victoria sponge with jam and cream) and it is totally delicious.

Coconut Cream Pie

Pie is huge here in the USA but not as we know it in the uk. Pie here is sweet and delicious. I was so excited at thanksgiving when I made my first sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie. But here in Miami, a super popular pie is coconut cream pie. Give this recipe a try and you will soon understand why!

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