This wonderful famous Spanish cocktail needs no introduction!
This wonderful famous Spanish cocktail needs no introduction!
It is a wonderful source of protein required to repair and build muscle, bone and cartilage. It is also a fantastic source of minerals especially selenium and zinc. As long as red meat is not eaten every single day, this dish has a three star health rating.
This is a hearty traditional farmers’ dish as opposed to a light soup that you may be used to seeing. Partridge is an excellent source of protein and lower in both fat and cholesterol than both beef and chicken.
Calamari is rich in protein therefore sustaining energy and building muscle. It is rich in anti oxidants and vitamin B12 as well as potassium, iron and phosphorous thus boosting the immune system, bone and blood cell health. The garlic and parsley oil makes this dish even more nutritious.
A classic Spanish dish, in which we will use easy-to-find and inexpensive ingredients: potatoes and eggs. The result will be a treat that can be found in any Spanish bar or restaurant. The potato is one of the most traditional ingredients of Spanish cuisine, and tortilla is the protagonist.
This is a wonderful dessert that can be made in advance so perfect for when having guests enabling you to relax and enjoy. Decadent and delicious, you will not want to share!
It is a wonderful source of protein required to repair and build muscle, bone and cartilage. It is also a fantastic source of minerals especially selenium and zinc. As long as red meat is not eaten every single day, this dish has a three star health rating.
You rarely find a menu in Spain that does not have a range of croquettes but this particular version is my husbands favourite. They can be time consuming to make but definitely worth it.